Javíer Gordon is a Caribbean Archaeologist who is professionally interested in political and military subjects of the past, as well as methods and issues relating to conservation and preservation of material culture. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in History and Archaelogy along with a Master of Art in Public History and Caribbean Heritage, both which he attained from the University of the West Indies Mona.
Presently, Gordon holds the post of Registrar at the National Gallery of Jamaica and through this recently attained a Certification in Traditional Trades in Resotration of Heritage at the Esecula Taller de La Habana “Gaspar Meclhor de Jovellanos” in Havana Cuba. Currently, he is a University College of Dublin College Scholar pursuing a Master of Science in World Heritage Conservation with a focus on the conservation and preservation of natural and cultural heritage in the caribbean.
Since 2018 Javíer has been a member of the Archaeological Society of Jamaica, where, since 2020 he has served as a Board Member. He also serves as the Vice President of the Mango Seed Collective which is an organization to foster a vibrant and informed community that promotes social, historical and cultural awareness in the Caribbean. In addition, to his day job this George Alleyne Hall Alumni is also an active content creator who leverages various platforms to promote the captivating history and archaeology of the Caribbean. Through this online engagement he actively seeks to kindle a profound appreciation for the region's diverse and intricate cultural development.
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