Hello, I'm Sam. I was born and live in Australia and enjoy life in the world heritage site of the Blue Mountains. I adore history - its in my blood. My working background has been in Human Resources, as I enjoy understanding what motivates people. I enjoy learning and completed my Bachelor of Arts (majoring in Psychology). History has always appealed to me, as I not only enjoy discovering a new person or event but I also find comfort in the idea that nothing is new. All of what we encounter today has happened before and if we pay close attention to our past, perhaps we can avoid a catastrophe in our future. Or one can hope.
Its really about the entertainment that history rewards me with through reading and sometimes watching fabulous documentaries. I enjoy an easy to read non-fiction history book but also a historical fiction that has a strong factual basis to it. I gain particular enjoyment from learning about women in history. If a woman has not only been remembered and her life recorded, you know her achievements and/or sacrifices are quite extraordinary as for most of known history, they are treated as 2nd class, suppressed or insignificant. I'm loving the current trend of seeing women's lives revealed that have previously been buried.
Besides reading and learning, my priority is caring for my family, stiving to consistently be mindful and present, studying Stoicism and applying my brain to creative projects such as writing, mosaics and home/furniture renovations. Love to see beauty in everything.
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