Stephen M. Davis (PhD) is an elder at Grace Church in Philadelphia, PA. (gracechurchphilly.org) and Fellow of the Royal Historical Society. He and his family lived in France for many years where he developed a love for the French language and history. He is the author of eight books including four on French history: 'Rise of French Laïcité' in the Evangelical Missiological Society Monograph Series, 'The French Huguenots and Wars of Religion' (winner of the National Huguenot Society's 2022 Scholarly Works Award), 'French Protestantism's Struggle for Survival and Legitimacy, 1517-1905,' and 'The War of the Camisards (1702–1704): Huguenot Insurrection during the Reign of Louis XIV.' He contributed to The Palgrave Handbook of Religion and State Volume II: Global Perspectives (October 2023) --'France's Long March from State Religion to Secular State' ( chap. 7). His books, articles, and book reviews can be found at stephenmdavis.com.
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