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Mark Antony
Marcus Antonius (l. 83-30 BCE, known popularly as Mark Antony) was a Roman general and statesman best known for his love affair with Cleopatra VII (l. c.69-30 BCE) of Egypt. As Julius Caesar's friend and right-hand man, he gave the funeral...

The Gospels
The New Testament contains four gospels attributed to Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The four gospels are not biographies of Jesus, nor are they history as we define it. What each gospel attempted to do was write a theological explanation...

Mark Antony's Oration at Caesar's Funeral
Amid the chaos and strife following the assassination of Julius Caesar in 44 BCE, Mark Antony (83-30 BCE), with the advice of Cicero, persuaded the Roman Senate to declare an amnesty which pardoned the Liberators and accepted the legitimacy...

Mark Antony's Parthian Campaign
In 36 BCE, Mark Antony (83-30 BCE) invaded Parthia, hoping to render himself one of the great conquerors of the Greco-Roman world, but he was stymied by Parthian forces and obliged to undertake an arduous, costly retreat. What to make of...

The Propaganda of Octavian and Mark Antony's Civil War
Propaganda played an important role in Octavian (l. 63 BCE - 14 CE) and Mark Antony's (l. 83 – 30 BCE) civil war, and once victorious at the Battle of Actium (31 BCE), Octavian returned home to become the first Roman emperor. The decade preceding...

Mark, Karen, Joshua & James
From left to right: Mark Cartwright, Karen Barrett-Wilt, Joshua Mark, James Blake Wiener. Pictured in Wicklow, Ireland, 2015.

Mark Antony
A face re-creation of the roman general Mark Antony (l. 83-30 BCE), inspired by a fine grained yellow marble bust dating to the Flavian period (69-96 CE).

Mark Lester as Oliver Twist
Mark Lester as Oliver Twist in a scene in the workhouse from Oliver!, a 1968 musical adaptation of Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens (1812-70). The story of Oliver Twist, first serialised in 1837, highlighted the plight of poor children in...

Mark Antony's Oration over the Body of Caesar
Mark Antony's Oration over the Body of Caesar, oil on canvas by George Edward Robertson, c. 1894–1895.
Hartlepool Museums and Heritage Service.

Historical Problems in the Trial(s) & Crucifixion in the Gospels
The story of the trial and crucifixion of Jesus Christ is reenacted every year by Christians all over the world in the Easter liturgy. The story has become an essential article of faith and is rarely questioned by New Testament scholars and...