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Ephesus - Octagonal Tomb of Arsinoë
3D model of "The Octagon", a 1st-century BCE tomb from Ephesus that may have belonged to Arsinoë IV of Ptolemaic Egypt.

3D Image
Polyclitus Diadumenos (Diadem-bearer)
Polyclitus Diadumenos (Diadem-bearer). Patinated plaster cast dating to 1905 after a restored, antique roman copy in the Prado, Madrid, Spain, after the loss of the Greek original from around 420 BCE. (ref: KAS1371) The Royal...

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Tomb Altar for Julia Saturnia
Tomb Altar for Julia Saturnia and Gaius Sulpicius Clytus. 130 CE. marble. Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek (Copenhagen, Denmark). Made of 50 pictures with MetaShape from Agisoft. For more updates, please consider to follow me on Twitter...

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Roman Double Herm
Double Herm, from Nemi or close by. 2nd century CE. marble. The two heads form a double herm. The strange being, one old and one young, have fins in their hair, around the mouth, and on the neck. They have been identified as personifications...

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Statue of a Woman Dressed in Chiton and Himation
Statue of a Roman woman dressed in a chiton and himation, marble, 100-150 CE. Possibly a portrait statue of Plotina, wife of Emperor Trajan (r. 98-117 CE). Found in Utica in Tunisa with seven other statues. Made of 200 pictures with MetaShape...

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God Tithoes
God Tithoes, 2nd century BC. Tutu (Ancient Egyptian, Tithoes in Greek) was an Egyptian god worshipped by ordinary people all over Egypt during the Late Period. Tutu's iconography is anthropomorphic, consisting of the body of a striding, winged...

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St Jerome
Saint Jerome by Andrea Bregno (1418 - 1503). The National Art Gallery museum (Copenhagen, Denmark). Made out 100 pictures with MetaShape from Agisoft. For more updates, please consider to follow me on Twitter at @GeoffreyMarchal. (

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Censer, Northern Italy, circa 1200, cast brass. This type of censer is meant to be swung by hand so that the smoke from the incense can spread. The incense grains burn on glowing embers and smoke escapes through the openwork decorations...

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Stela of the Egyptian Solar Boat
An Egyptian sandstone stela showing the worship of the solar boat. From Assouan, 600 to 300 BCE. Musée d’Art et d’Histoire (Musée du Cinquantenaire, Brussels, Belgium). Made of 180 pictures with CapturingReality. For more updates...

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Reliquary of Saint Valentine
Reliquary of Saint Valentine (inv. 1038), Four pinions-reliquaries, Atelier Mosan, circa 1180-1200, oak core, embossed copper, engraved and gilded, champlevé enamel and mixed enamel, brown varnish. Provenance: Saint-Servais de Maastricht...