Dana Murray is a cultural heritage professional currently working towards her PhD in Information at the University of Toronto. Her research is focused on the psychological impact of disasters on gallery, library, archive, and museum (GLAM) professionals, with a particular interest in the shared sense of professional duty in the GLAM sector.
Originally from Ottawa, Ontario, she completed her Master of Art in Religion and Public Life from Carleton University and her Master of Museum Studies from the University of Toronto, with a particular focus on collections care, registration, and preventative conservation. She continues to advocate for sustainability and collections emergency preparedness within academic, federal, municipal, and private collections.
A Graduate Research Associate of the Max and Tessie Zelikovitz Centre for Jewish Studies and Archaeology Assistant for the Computational Research on the Ancient Near East (CRANE) project at the University of Toronto her research interests also include the art, architecture and religion of ancient Greece and the Near East.
A collections specialist and registrar, Dana also has two seasons of archaeological field experience working on the ancient site of Argilos in northern Greece as well as survey experience with Heritage and Archaeological Research Practice (HARP) studying Eighteenth Century Scotland and General Wade's Military Road.
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